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How To Reduce The Risk of Fire In Your Home

A fire in your home can be a catastrophic event, causing extensive damage and posing a significant threat to the safety of your loved…
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How to Work from Home Productively

Right now there are more people working from home than ever before. Whether it’s done by choice or by necessity, working from home has…
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Avoid these 6 things to Get a Mortgage

While you’re doing the hard work to get a mortgage, everything from moving back in with your parents, missing nights out, instant coffee instead…
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10 Tips for Working from Home

Right now there are more people working from home than ever before. Some people are accustomed to working from home but for even the…
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7 renovations that add value to a home

1. Remodelling the kitchen Renovating the kitchen is one of the projects that adds the most value to a home because it makes that…
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Ready to hibernate? 6 tips to make your home winter-ready

The clocks have been turned back, it’s definitely harder to get out of bed in the mornings and the evenings are getting darker and…
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How We Are Helping Nursing Home Residents Cope With Lockdown

At Acorn Insurance we wanted to help bring “some of the outside world in” to local nursing home residents who are not allowed visitors…