Home insurance
All you need to insure your home
No home is the same. Big, small, in the heart of the city or in the peace of the countryside, your home insurance is unique to you. We’ll offer you the home insurance and contents insurance policies that fit your needs and pocket perfectly.
Home insurance cover options include:
Buildings and contents insurance
Building and contents insurance covers the physical house structure and permanent fixtures, including patios, driveways and septic tanks. Your policy will have details of the specific type of damage that is covered. Damage from pests, frost and leaking gutters is often not included with your buildings insurance.
Contents insurance
We understand that your home, whether you own it or rent it, is where your heart is and protecting what’s inside is important to you and your family.
First-time buyers insurance
Buying your first home is a big deal and typically your mortgage provider will suggest themselves or an affiliated company as an option for your first-time buyers home insurance. The fact is, we can provide you with more choice and help you find better value elsewhere.
Holiday home insurance
Your holiday home is where you can truly relax and unwind. You can’t always be there to keep an eye on it – so make sure it’s covered.
Landlord insurance
Landlord insurance covers the risks you face when letting or leasing a property that standard home insurance may not cover.
Multi-year fixed cost home insurance
Multi-year home insurance gives you budgeting certainty and security. With this type of policy, you can fix the cost of your home insurance cover for up to three years.
Compare home insurance
Choosing the right home insurance cover is about more than price. You also need to be sure you’ll get a first-rate service whenever it’s needed. So at Ask Acorn, we focus on finding you cover that combines service, value and reliability.
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